
It’s a tale of two brothers. One was driven by instinct to “squirrel away” for the winter; the other didn’t concern himself with such matters. One thought about what could happen, the other thought of nothing more than the moment. And when things went southward, only one brother was prepared while the other was scrambling.

Know. Learn. Prepare.

Know that even the most minute disruptions in our society can have large effects on your ability to maintain basic survival needs.

Learn about sensible precautions you can make to guarantee that you and your family are safe when a disaster or unforeseen event occurs. Your knowledge of basic survival skills will be your greatest asset when the “unexpected” occurs.

Prepare for what will come; it’s just a matter of when. When the power goes out, or the natural disaster hits or any other major event causes a major disruption in your life, all it takes is some forethought and preparation to guarantee stability.